People gather every Monday evening in New York’s Union Square to buy and sell the crypto-currency known as Bitcoin. Flashing cash and smartphones, men make trades worth thousands of dollars in a nook of the park they call Satoshi Square. 人们每个周一晚上都剧集在纽约的联合广场进行比特币的买卖交易活动。随着闪烁的美金和职能手机(还有平板电脑和笔记本电脑),人们在这个被他们称为“中本聪广场”的角落里完成了数千美元的交易。 The scene is like an open-air trading floor and, indeed, participants liken themselves to the men who hatched New York’s first stock exchange under a buttonwood tree in 1792. Similar gatherings have taken place in London and an inaugural one will take place in Toronto next week. 现场就像是一个露天的交易大厅,实际上,参与者们就像1792年在一个梧桐树下参加纽约的第一个线下股票交易市场一样。类似这样的交易聚会是从伦敦开始诞生的,下一站可能会发生在多伦多(据比特时代小编了解,多伦多的比特币爱好者正在筹划下周在多伦多进行类似的交易聚会) What gives? While the economic appeal of Bitcoin is easy to understand — it’s not tethered to a central bank and can be traded at low or zero cost — it’s not clear if the currency has a place in everyday life. To get a better idea, I paid $96 this week to buy my first Bitcoin and went to Satoshi Square. 这到底是什么情况呢?当比特币经济很容易被理解时,它就不再受限于中央银行而是可以以非常低甚至零成本进行交易(尽管现在还不清楚比特币是否可以占据人们每天的生活)。为了获得更好的信息,我上周用96美元购买了我的第一个比特币,并(在周一的晚上)前往中本聪广场。 An hour at Satoshi Square 在中本聪广场的一个小时 The first Bitcoin buy-up in Union Square took place in May, and now they occur every Monday from 5 to 7 near the Abe Lincoln statue at the north end of the park. By 6 pm, about 20 people — all men — had gathered to trade Bitcoins in the 95 degree heat and swap stories about software. 第一次在中本聪广场发生交易聚会发生在5月份。现在,大家大约每个周一下午5点到晚上7点左右会开始聚集在林肯雕像公园的北面。大概到了6点左右,笔者看到了已经有20个人聚集在一起,全都是男人。他们在一起以95度温度的热情(形容非常热情)地讨论关于比特币的一些经验故事和软件(挖矿、交易、支付等软件)。 People called out sale prices and others, clutching envelopes of $100 bills accepted. In 30 minutes, I saw around seven transactions, the largest for $1500. None involved merchandise — it was all greenbacks for Bitcoins. 人们开始喊出了自己的价格或者等价交换物,比如一个装着100美元的信封。在30分钟内,我看到了他们达成了7笔交易,最大的一笔交易金额为1500美元。并不难理解这些商品,他们全都是用美元购买比特币。 I had hoped to spend my new Bitcoin on beer or a farmer’s pie. No luck. (It turns out I couldn’t have spent it even if someone at Satoshi Square was selling pie — the Bitcoin I bought earlier in the day takes three days to show up in my digital wallet). 我看到有农民在卖馅饼,我希望用我的比特币去购买一些啤酒或者烧饼,但没有成功。(原来,就算有人在中本聪广场卖烧饼,我也不能花掉我的比特币,因为我刚刚购买的比特币虽然已经在我的钱包里,但是还没有完全确认到账,这可能需要3天吧)(小编注:作者可能搞错了,因为比特币转账所需的6个确认最长也只需要1个小时,作者也许遇到了其它的使用问题吧)
比特币线下交易,纽约中本聪广场 The traders in the square used no single method for exchange: some pulled out phones to scan Bitcoin addresses embedded in QR codes, others used laptops or tablets, and one man used a gift card he obtained months ago at a Bitcoin event in California.  在这个广场用比特币来交易的方法并不单一:有的人拿出手机扫描对方的比特币地址(可能是二维码)进行支付,也有人使用一个笔记本电脑或者平板电脑,甚至还有一个人使用了一个比特币礼品卡来交易(他一个月前从加州比特币活动获赠的)。 The vibe at Satoshi Square was a cross between a stock exchange, a religious revival and buying weed in the park. There was a lust for money tinged with a higher ideal. 中本聪广场的气氛,和当年的证券交易所的气氛非常类似,也有点像大麻交易市场。这里有着比金钱拥有欲更高的理想。
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