摘要: 全文如下: story so far - 8/19 chips have arrived via other routes as previously announced, we are shipping them out at the rate of 40-50k on a daily basis at the moment, in addition to the ~150k or s 全文如下: story so far - 8/19 chips have arrived via other routes as previously announced, we are shipping them out at the rate of 40-50k on a daily basis at the moment, in addition to the ~150k or so that went out, another 40k was shipped today. There is multiple channel which the chips are arriving from various packaging facility to minimize downtime. Please bare this in mind: while we had backup/multiple packaging companies and various delivery routes, things still will go wrong. There is also testing that must be done, then they can split, packed and sent to the EZP coupled with their CN-22 and be on their way. We will provide more update as they come. In addition, the trade-in and refunds are being processed.
就像我们之前通告的那样,芯片已经通过不同路线到达我们这里,我们正在以每天40K-50k芯片的速度发货,除了150K已经发送出去,今天还送出了另外40K芯片,这些芯片以各种不同的包装通过不同的路线到达以此尽量缩小延误时间。请注意:虽然我们已经备选了多家快递公司,通过各种路径派送芯片,发货仍然会出问题。在运输过程中也有些检验手段是必须做的,他们能够把分拣包装过程通过视频(译者注:EZP是指一种视频工具吗?)通过他们的CN-22(译者注:不知是什么东西),当运送信息被反馈回来时我们将提供更多的更新,另外换购和退款已经开始处理。 http://www.cybtc.com/portal.php?mod=view&aid=116 |