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【作者:网文】 来源:转载 日期:2014-10-23 11:41:31 人气: 标签: 【打印】


1.  在比特币外部环境利好不断的情况下,比特币价格不涨反跌,一路走低,行业也进入低迷期,你如何看呢?虽然,个别山寨币会出现暴涨的现象,但都无法持久,甚至暴涨后会出现暴跌的现象,您如何看?
Although good news of Bitcoin are continuing, the price of Bitcoin still goes down, and Bitcoin field goes into depression. What’s your opinion about this phenomenon? Besides, the price of some other cryptocurrency sometimes will surge suddenly, but then the price will goes down and even drop sharply. What’s your opinion about this?
As Bitcoin is not backed by a central institution, such as a governmentor a bank, and is quite a recent invention (since 2009), the exchangerate of Bitcoin to fiat currencies is likely to be volatile. For morethan 4 years, the value of Bitcoin never surpassed $100 tag, but in 2013because of China taking part in trading and some illicit game of MtGoxit shoot up to $1200. The recent drop of value was partly caused by thetrading bots of big Chinese exchanges, introduction of new forms oftrading (margin trading, leverage, etc) and sales of massive amounts ofBitcoin by investors and projects that acquired huge amounts of them viaIPO.
2. 在中国,一部分玩家对加密货币是不存在信仰的,他们购买加密货币的唯一理由就是赚钱。当然,还有许多人是强烈抵制山寨币的,您又是如何看中国加密货币的生态圈呢?
In China, some people supporting cryptocurrency is not because they believe in it but they want to make money from it. What’s more, many people are strongly opposed to altcoin, how do you see the Bitcoin ecosystem of China?
Unlike the Western point of view that Bitcoin is more like a currencyand is being used to pay, the best way to describe cryptocurrencies inChina would be via an analogy to precious metals or commodities.Chinese, as a nation of savers and investors, are eager to exploit everyopportunity to make money. Cryptocurrencies can be compared to gold. Inthe past Chinese made massive investments in gold and affected the valueof it and the same indeed happened with Bitcoin. Concerning altcoins,Chinese do not think they have as strong potential as Bitcoin has. Anexception, of course are altcoins that offer some added value on top ofcryptocurrency, such as Txcoin or other similar coins.
3.  目前,比特币基本上已经形成了一个比较强大的产业链,其它的山寨币想取代也是天方夜谭。山寨币不仅仅存在创新,山寨币圈钱跑路例子也是屡见不鲜,这严重影响到了公众对加密货币的认知,阻碍了加密货币的发展,这一点您如何看?
Since nowadays Bitcoin is basically forming a relative strong industry chain, it is almost impossible for other cryptocurrency to repalce it. The altcoin certainly has innovation, but scams related to altcoin have always been reported, which seriously impact the concept of the public and further block the development of cryptocurrency, what’s your view about this?
The position of Bitcoin is certainly strong on the market ofcryptocurrencies, but it does not mean it will remain forever. Themarket is far from being saturated, it is rather at its very beginning.Hence, nowadays there are many opportunities to develop the industry andthere will be many more. Scams are the black sheep of the family, butthis not a phenomenon that is specific to this field. Since scams andfrauds happen in all industries, we would not be afraid.
4.    一种优质的山寨币要么是一种创新,要么迎合了一部分消费者的需求。狗狗币盛行于西方,它满足了西方人打赏和小费文化需求,莱特币则声称是比特币的一种补充,宣传口号就是“比特币金,莱特银”。那TXC币如何吸引新的社区成员的关注呢?
A good altcoin is either a kind of innovation or meeting some consumers’ need. Dogecoin is popular in west countries that can help perform the role of tips in west culture; Lietcoin claimes itself to the supplement of Bitcoin whose slogan is “Bitcoin is the gold and Litecoin is the sliver.” So, how does TXC attract the community?
One of the main advantages of Txcoin (TxC) is that one can get it freeof charge. Thanks to the phenomenon of merged mining, miners get TxC atthe same time when mining Bitcoin or Dogecoin. TxC implements doublemining algorithm approach, that means, one can choose whether to mineBitcoin or Dogecoin in order to get free TxC. The choice of Bitcoin isobvious, and Dogecoin’s community is more developed that the one ofLitecoin or other altcoins.Furthermore, TxC will be used as a coin that eliminates the bad sideeffects of Bitcoin and Dogecoin mining, such as fat electricity bills,CO2 emissions, costs of mining hardware (ASICs), etc. TxC are issued toamend above mentioned side effects. TxC was born on 06/06/2014 andalready has a significant user base. TxC Foundation will be incorporatedsoon to standardise, protect and promote the role of TxC.
5. 有一部分人认为,比特币之所以下跌是由于资产的重新配置,这是由于资本的逐利性导致的。加密货币缺乏一个杀手级的应用,加密货币对人们的吸引力下降。那么您认为,未来加密货币会出现什么样的杀手级应用场景?未来的加密货币是共荣共存,还是只能存活几种币种?
Some people thinks that the price going down is because of asset allocation where capital is always moving for profit. Cryptocurrency lacks a killer app and this reduces the attraction. In your opinion, what killer app may appear in the future? Cryptocurrency will be all in prosperity, or only several of them will be left in the future?
http://bitcoinexpo2014.com 的荣誉高级合伙人,同时也是在布鲁塞尔举办的比特币商业大会http://btc2b.com 的荣誉高级合伙人(铂金赞助商),另外一个重要的方面交易币简化了获得加密货币方式,其中之一就是联合挖矿。
Cryptocurrency is a killer app itself. The reasons enough for owning acryptocurrency arethe worldwide adoption, speed, the ease of use and much lower expenseswhen compared to banks or existing payment processing companies. As thenumber of cryptocurrency users is still not very high, an importantaspect is the education of general public about the advantages of theuse of cryptocurrencies. This should be done via the attendance andorganising of appropriate events, incorporating foundations andassociations of cryptocurrencies, cooperating with educationalinstitutions and many more. Txcoin was a proud principal partner ofBitcoinExpo 2014
http://bitcoinexpo2014.com that took place in Shanghaiand Bitcoin 2 Business Congress Brussels http://btc2b.com. Anotherimportant aspect is to simplify the ways of acquiring cryptocurrency.One of those is merged mining.
6.  最后,也不多说了,简单的介绍一下TXC币吧?
Well, Give us a simple instruction on TXC.
交易币(又称TXC 或Txcoin, 官网
http://www.Txcoin.org/)是一个经过混合验证工作(POW)的P2P加密货币的系统。这个加密货币于2014年6月6日6时06分06秒GMT / UTC推出,平均区块生成时间只有2分钟,相比比特币生成需要10分钟这意味着一个重大的进步。 Txcoin支持SHA256和SCRYPT两种散列算法。当矿工开采比特币或狗狗币时可以得到免费的Txcoin。这是由于联合挖矿允许使用一次以上的散列功率。当SHA256或SCRYPT哈希值被计算时,它们被分别插入到比特币和Txcoin(在SHA256的情况下)或Dogecoin和Txcoin(在SCRYPT的情况下)。由于比特币挖矿最主要的工作是计算实际的哈希值,将它们插入到若干区块链的操作成本是可以忽略不计的。因此,人们可以免费挖到Txcoin。此外,Txcoin完全支持,多重签名地址,从而提供更高的安全性,钱包共享和托管的可能性。
Txcoin (aka TXC or Txcoin,
http://www.Txcoin.org/) is a  P2P CryptoCurrency with a hybrid proof of work(PoW) system. This crypto currency was launched on  06-06-2014 06:06:06 GMT/UTC and its average blockgeneration time is only 2 minutes, which  means a major advance from theBitcoin’s 10 minutes.Txcoin supports SHA256 and SCRYPT hashing algorithms. Miners can getfree Txcoin when mining Bitcoin or Dogecoin. This is thanks to mergedmining that allows to use hash power more than once. When SHA256 orSCRYPT hashes are computed, they are inserted into Bitcoin and Txcoin(in the case of SHA256) or Dogecoin and Txcoin (in the case of SCRYPT),respectively. As the most of work of Bitcoin mining is to compute theactual hashes, the operation of inserting them into a number ofblockchains has negligible cost. Therefore, one can mine Txcoin free ofcharge.Moreover, Txcoin fully supports multisignature addresses that offerincreased security, wallet sharing and the possibility of escrow.


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