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【作者:fjbit】 来源:未知 日期:2011-9-19 0:45:11 人气: 标签:Bitcoin替代黄金 【打印】

“黄金目前的价格几乎$ 1900,必将意味着更多的滥用,腐败,军事化和世界各地的土著人权利的侵蚀,写道:”抗金的错误樱花桑德斯,联合创始人和主编 ProtestBarrick.net,对运动金矿公司巴里克黄金,世界上最大的纯黄金矿业公司,这ProtestBarrick声称是侵犯人权的行为,并在做生意的过程中对环境的破坏犯罪。维权组已决定抛出其背后的重量Bitcoin替代黄金作为一种社会意识。 “在动荡的经济时代,黄金对投资者的吸引力中心的事实,它的供应是有限的,而不是一个国家的领导的政治决定。Bitcoin提出了同样的呼吁,同时,不会造成滥用,奖励腐败,促进军事化和侵蚀着世界各地的土著人民的权利,“桑德斯女士写道。 Bitcoin有金甲虫之间的许多球迷,尽管在做出来呼吁那些谁囤一个实际使用的物理对象和趋向,以调用作为黄金的优越性美元,另一菲亚特货币证据那些两个特点的比特一个菲亚特货币先天的矛盾。但是,从政府的数字货币的独立性和其绝对的供应量是由底层的算法呼吁削弱死纸总统的信仰有限的。


“Gold’s current price of almost $1900 will certainly mean more abuse, corruption, militarization and the erosion of indigenous rights around the world,” writes anti-gold bug Sakura Saunders, the co-founder and editor ofProtestBarrick.net, a campaign against the gold mining company Barrick Gold, the world’s largest pure gold mining company, which ProtestBarrick claims is guilty of human rights violations and environmental destruction in the course of doing business. The activist group has decided to throw its weight behind Bitcoin as a more socially-conscious alternative to gold.

“In turbulent economic times, gold’s appeal to the investor centers on the fact that it’s supply is limited and not subject to the political decisions of a country’s leadership. Bitcoin presents the same appeal, while not causing abuses, rewarding corruption, promoting militarization and eroding indigenous rights around the world,” Ms. Saunders writes.

Bitcoin has many fans among gold bugs, despite the innate contradiction of a fiat currency made out of bits appealing to those who hoard a physical object with practical use and tend to invoke those two characteristics as evidence of gold’s superiority to the dollar, another fiat currency. But the digital currency’s independence from government and the fact that its absolute supply is limited by the underlying algorithm appeal to those with eroding faith in dead paper presidents.


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