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【作者:fjbit】 来源:未知 日期:2011-9-18 1:21:50 人气: 标签:FACEBOOK 【打印】

 让我们看看在Facebook:它作为一个服务不能正常工作,如果我们的民众使用多个单独的社会网络。用户不会感到不便与登录到多个服务,以互动与不同的朋友,特别是如果说用户是互联网的临时用户。当然,作为一个真正希望有一个地方,与所有熟人网上很容易满足的问题,用户将倾向于对一个服务,根据社会和同行的压力。我们知道,今天像Facebook。Facebook已经就是我们所说的自然垄断,因为它充分满足其用户的愿望和要求,它的主要服务的,这种垄断只能被推翻,如果有一个单一的会议地点的价值是由新的创新取代了另一种社会服务,这是非常困难的。轻微的增加和改进将无法创建足够的压力压倒了社会和同行的压力,保持原有的网络上的用户与谷歌加上的失败所示。,除原有的服务是从成立之初的严重的缺陷-与不善接口,并在MySpace发现烦人的怪癖-将用户留下了优于竞争对手的自然垄断。Bitcoin社交网络相同的属性 。世界上确实有一个数字货币的愿望即刻整个星球贸易 。多种货币增加了严重的开销,可以很容易地淘汰。我们还必须注意,加密货币的支持者有更多,更安全的攻击。人们肯定会渴望强大的安全比什么都重要。到底应该只有一种货币,如果我们真正希望有一个更加高效和稳定的世界。Bitcoin是它吗 ?Bitcoin严重缺陷或Bitcoin是强大到足以继续冠冠军,自然垄断的加密货币?这将回答所有的好时机,但随时让你的预测 。


Let's look at Facebook: It as a service cannot function if our populace uses multiple separate social networks. A user will not be inconvenienced with logging-in to multiple services in order to interact with different friends, especially if said user is a casual user of the internet. Naturally, as a matter of a genuine desire to have a single place to meet with all acquaintances online easily, users will gravitate towards one service according to societal and peer pressures. We know this as Facebook today. Facebook has what we call a natural monopoly since it sufficiently meets the desires of its users and the requirement that it be the main service.

This monopoly can only be toppled if the value of having a single meeting place is superseded by new innovations in another social service, which is incredibly difficult. Minor additions and improvements will not create enough pressure to overpower the societal and peer pressures that keep users on the original network as shown with the failure of Google Plus. 

Unless the original service is severely flawed from its inception -- as with the poorly-made interfaces and annoying quirks found in Myspace -- will users leave a natural monopoly for a superior competitor.

Bitcoin has the same attributes of a social network. The world indeed has the desire for a single digital currency to trade in instantly across the planet. Multiple currencies add severe overhead that can be easily eliminated. We must also note that the more supporters of a crypto-currency there are, the safer it is from attack. People will certainly desire the strongest security more than anything else.  There should be only one currency in the end if we truly desire a more efficient and stable world. 

Can Bitcoin be it? Is Bitcoin severely flawed or is Bitcoin strong enough to continue to be the crown-champion, the natural monopoly of crypto-currencies?

This will be answered all in good time but feel free to make your predictions.


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